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Review the Adopted Town Center LCI 

The adopted Town Center LCI documents are ready for your review!

  • Town Center LCI: Adopted by City Council on April 1, 2024, this document is an update of the previous Town Center LCI that outlines the future vision of the area. The Implementation Plan is included to show how this vision will come to life. 



  • Technical Addendum: Also adopted by City Council on April 1, 2024, this appendix provides detailed information about the community engagement conducted throughout the process and outlines the Record of Accomplishments since the previous update.

The Buford Highway (State Route 13) corridor traverses the LCI Study Area from the southwest city limit to the northeast city limit.

Town center

What is the Town Center Livable Centers Initiative?

The Town Center Downtown is a special place for Norcross community members to gather, with its many parks, schools, churches, shops, and other community spaces. Funded through the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) program, the City of Norcross is updating the Town Center LCI Plan, which was originally developed in 2001 and last updated in 2012. The plan's purpose is to visualize, conceptualize, and implement an inspiring vision for the Norcross Town Center Downtown area for the next 20 years.

2023 - 2024 Plan Focus Areas

Building on Our Current Plans

The City last updated its Town Center LCI Plan in 2012. The Town Center LCI Plan Update will build on the last Town Center LCI update, linked below. Other related plans can be found on the Resources page.


  • Norcross Town Center LCI Plan - The Town Center Livable Centers Initiative Plan was originally developed in 2001 and was last updated in 2012. It provides land use, transportation, economic development, and urban design recommendations and strategies for the downtown Town Center study area.
LCI Study Area
  1. Improving pedestrian safety along the Buford Highway Corridor and at the four road intersections with the railroad in the downtown area.

  2. Improving the city’s Electric Vehicle (EV) charging capabilities.

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