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Project Documents

Documents developed throughout the planning process will be posted here. Check back for updates!


  • Community Engagement Plan - This document outlines the Planning Team's engagement and communications strategies for promoting public and stakeholder participation in the update process for the Comprehensive Plan and the Town Center LCI.






  • Pop-Up #4 Summary - Our fourth Pop-Up was held August 22nd at Summerour Middle School's Curriculum Night.




Past Comprehensive Plan
  • Comprehensive Plan (2020) - This document outlines the City's plan, including the vision, goals, policies, 5-year work program, and Future Development Map. We are updating the plan this year!​​


  • Comprehensive Plan Technical Addendum (2020) - This document provides background information and supporting documentation for the 2040 Comprehensive Plan.


Past Town Center LCI Plan​
  • Norcross Town Center LCI Plan (2012) - The Town Center Livable Centers Initiative Plan was originally developed in 2001 and was last updated in 2012. It provides land use,
    transportation, economic development, and urban design recommendations and strategies for the downtown Town Center study area.


Related Documents and Resources​
  • Norcross Unified Development Ordinance (link)


  • Norcross Zoning Map (link)


  • Norcross Data Hub (link)


  • Buford Highway Master Plan (2021) - This high-level master plan guides intentional development along the Buford Highway corridor between Jimmy Carter Boulevard and Beaver Ruin Road, with a specific interest in uniting the city through new homes, retail, parks and office space.


  • ​​​Downtown Parking Study (2019- The Downtown Parking Study, an update to a 2011 study, addresses parking issues as well as traffic circulation and pedestrian safety throughout the downtown study area.


  • ​​​Norcross Sustainability Plan (2017- The Sustainability Plan commits Norcross to increase accountability towards goals of Healthy People, Healthy Places and Healthy Economy.


  • ​​​Beaver Ruin Greenway LCI Concept Plan (2017- The Beaver Ruin Greenway Concept Plan is a study to improve pedestrian connectivity and stormwater quality, using existing sidewalks, buffers and utility easements.


  • ​​​Parks Master Plan (2016- This document is an update to the 2011 Parks Master Plan document and is meant to be reviewed in tandem; it does not replace the 2011 document.


  • ​​​Parks Master Plan (2011) - The Parks Master Plan provides a guide for the city to follow when planning future growth and development with specific attention to city parks and green spaces to ensure everyone has just and fair access to quality parks, green spaces, recreation facilities and programs.


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